Told you there will be more of the Assen One, but more specifically this post is focused on the Dancer, the strangely beautiful boss from Dark Souls 3. I took a more custom approach on her outfit, cause I wanted to sex her up a bit. She wants to make love, not war in this version, so she needs less armor and no swords. Even though Im done with the game, Im still working on more Dark Souls stuff, now that its part of the Shadbase collection.

I have been caught up with all kinds of social activities this week (there are more than 10 people staying over at my place cause of a local event.) So I haven’t been able to work as fast as usual, but Im still not slowing down with the updates this week, so you can expect one more on Sunday. Things shouldn’t be as hectic anymore after the weekend.

Speaking of Dark Souls 3, with everything that has been going on, I completely forgot to mention that this months posters are in, for those interested. I included 2 Dark Souls pinups in the line-up.

See you soon with the next update, and have a nice weekend.
