Fallout 4 Improvement
After seeing the E3 trailer and all the E3 footage, I couldnt stop thinking that it would have been majorly improved, if the main character was a girl with a luscious ass. I know I will be playing as a female. (If you like the little Vault Girl, you can get her without a Dick as a png here.)
Fallout 4 is coming out in November, that was my favourite news of E3. Ive been watching the stream Sunday evening and all day yesterday asswell as watching more today, quite alot of cool stuff to see. What about you? Have you been following E3 at all? And if so what were some of the standouts to you?
To me it was definitely Bethesdas conference. Also got to try out that Fallout Shelter App game.
Was disappointing not to see any Zombies footage yet, but at least the multiplayer of Black Ops 3 looks fun as ever.
You can follow my Twitter, see some of my comments to the Livefeed.
Image by Nikki aka Nackem.
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