You wanted to see her turn around, so here she is. Now she needs to desperately do something about her current status, otherwise she will not be able to focus on anything else. Too bad only Dogmeat is around…

There an extra version of her without all the VATS targeting you can get here, in case that bothers you.

Have you gotten yours yet?


Also speaking of Fallout, in order to follow my tradition I made a new custom Perk Milestone, this time for reaching 20 000+ Followers on Twittter! HUGE THANKYOU for helping me reach that! Make sure to follow me there if you havent yet, its the best way to stay updated with new posts on Shadbase or Shagbase.vinude

PS: For those who missed the Squid Loli post, I moved it backwards a bit so the FAllout set can be in correct sequence.