Creepy Hole
Dont stare in too deep, you may get creeped out.
I find Susie super fun to draw so you can expect more soon, shes kind of like a legal Emily the Strange.
I also went ahead and updated the social media buttons to the right, let me know if you like them visually or if you’d prefer to have the original ones back, cause I’m still on the fence wether they are an improvement or not.
Lastly I also added a new Banner to the Shadbase Header rotation, this time dedicated to the “Band of Bothers” aka you, the visitor. (You know I am kidding most of you arent a bother at all.) You can click on the image if you want to see it in more higher resolution.
On a side note, Shadbase has now 22 different randomized Banners in total, to make your browsing experience more enjoyable. Also for those who dont know, you can flip through pages of the site fast and quick using the arrow keys.
see you soon with the next update
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