The Last Orifice Page3
My apologies for the unusual long wait with this page.
Ive had a Technician come over this week to repair my blue-screening computer though, so nothing should be holding me back now to complete this comic. Also had a very lucrative business offer, which might change the site in the future in case I go for it, but Ill see how things go for now.
As you may have noticed the original concept of “3 pages” has been tossed, and the comic will now be longer.
All in all it was a pretty stressfull week, but I still managed to update Shagbase twice, with plenty of bonus versions.
So hopefully if all things go according to plan i will be able to post 2 pages again by next week instead of 1.
Stay tuned.
Also thankyou for already over 1500 followers on Twitter after only a month.
EDIT: I submitted the JPEG VERSION for those who requested it.
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